Don’t Overlook These Items When Moving House!


There comes a time in almost every life when you have to move house. Unless you already lead a nomad’s existence and can fit all your worldly possessions in a backpack, it’s going to be a considerable undertaking, and there may be some emotional conflict when saying goodbye to the place you have rested your head every night for so long, and the memories of the fun times you have had there. Sure, you will make new memories in your new place, but it can still be hard to say farewell.

One of the difficult decisions you will have to make is what stays and what goes! That enormous orange Naugahyde-covered sofa is as ugly as sin and as lumpy as the gravy you tried to make during the holidays, but does any sentimental value it may have attached to it outweigh the cost and trouble of moving the darn thing into your new home? If so, by all means, load it up, but if it needs to go just call your local furniture disposal professionals to come haul it away, thanks for all the naps!

Now, let’s consider some of the important things that you need to do before the move that are all too easy to overlook:

Your current address is connected to variety of services like mail, bills, and subscriptions. It’s incumbent on you before the move to cancel any unnecessary items, and transfer the essential ones to your new address. The following services need to be dealt with:

  • Power
  • Water
  • Food subscription services like dairy, eggs, coffee, etc
  • Magazine subscriptions
  • Internet
  • Cable television
  • Air conditioning and heating
  • Home security system
  • Landscaping services
  • Gas

Be sure to request the closure of the utilities two weeks prior to moving and schedule services to start at your new home, if available. Be sure to give yourself a cushion by leaving at least two days overlap before closing out the old utilities and starting up the new ones. You don’t want to arrive with the moving truck to a dark house with no power!

Also don’t forget to report your change of address to your paycheck providers, banks, and insurance so that important information is mailed to your new residence. You will also need to eventually register your vehicle if you have moved to a new jurisdiction.

Now you must decide if you are keeping that old orange sofa!

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