How Do I Take Care of My Braces? 


In California, due to its discreteness compared to traditional braces, ceramic braces have become the treatment of choice for many people who have misaligned teeth. However, if you have ceramic braces, it becomes essential for you to provide them with the right care and attention in order to ensure that they stay functional and protect them from harm.

If you want the best care tailored to your individual needs, you can always visit a family dentist in Orange, CA. Take a seat with them and make a suitable strategy. You will gain more knowledge about the maintenance of braces and be able to position yourself ahead of the game. 

  • Steer Clear Of Certain Foods.

Certain foods have the potential to clog or harm ceramic braces, which can result in discoloration and deterioration. Steer clear of items that are crunchy, stiff, or sticky, such as hard candies, popcorn, nuts, and chewing gum. These foods may cause wires to bend, loosen brackets, and leave stains.

  • Continuous Dental Care

Maintaining good dental hygiene is essential while using ceramic braces. It is necessary to brush right after eating and to floss often to get rid of food particles and plaque that build up around braces and teeth. To prevent scratching ceramic brackets, use toothpaste with fluoride and a brush with soft bristles. The more you take of them, the better they will last. 

  • Pay Attention To The Consumption Of Alcohol.

Certain beverages, such as red wine, tea, coffee, and dark-colored sodas, might discolor the transparent elastic ties that hold the wires in place. To minimize contact with your braces, you should restrict the amount of such liquids you consume or use a straw each time you sip. After consuming such drinks, thoroughly rinse your mouth to reduce the possibility of stains.

  • Keep Your Braces Safe When Engaging In Physically Demanding Tasks.

Wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth and braces if you participate in sports or other activities where there is a chance of facial injuries. With mouthguards, you can reduce the likelihood of needing an emergency orthodontic appointment by protecting brackets from breaking and wires from bending.

  • Make Use Of Orthodontic Wax.

Use orthodontic wax on the wires or brackets, causing discomfort if the braces are pushing against your lips or cheeks. By creating a smooth surface until you see an orthodontist for necessary corrections, orthodontic wax helps reduce pain.

  • Use Caution When Handling.

To prevent breaking your ceramic braces, clean them gently and do not touch them hard. Avoid cutting goods open with your teeth. Make sure that you do not open packages using your teeth so that there is no pressure on the wires and brackets present inside. Book your appointment with a dentist today! 

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