Can Online Learning Replace Schools?


In this increasingly tech-savvy world, where more and more people distance themselves from real-life interactions, one is left with questions about how these changes may affect the future of education. As online schools become more popular, the choice to select a school becomes more difficult. The question is, can online learning indeed replace schools? The answer is no. It is not about replacing the classroom experience; it is about providing students with benefits that might not be available in the traditional education.

So, what are the main benefits that online college programs offer and who could benefit the most from them? The ones listed below will help you understand the main differences between online and traditional education.

  1. Flexibility

Traditional schools are great for many students, but those struggling with a lack of time might find it hard to come to school every day at a certain time. Virtual schools, on the contrary, allow students to stay on top of courses on their own time, even with busy schedules. It allows a student to move at his or her own pace, not having to sacrifice any other major responsibilities, like going to work or spending quality time with family.

  1. Career Advancement

Being enrolled in an online program opens up great opportunities for students to gain hands-on experiences in the workplace. It lets them fit their work schedules around coursework more easily, something that many employers are looking for when hiring a new employee. While being educated is important, having a strong resume is essential. Additionally, It’s been reported that 44% of online students had major improvements in their employment standing, such as getting a full-time job within 12 months of graduation.

  1. Lower Costs

The nice thing about being enrolled in an online school is that one does not have to worry about moving to another state or city and paying for housing or transportation. The average community college student spends $1,760 per year on transportation. The average cost for student housing ranges between $8,887 and $10,089. As an online college student, you will get a quality education without these additional costs of student transportation and housing.

  1. Stronger Self-Discipline

Studying online is not for everyone. In order to succeed, the student needs to be responsible enough to keep up with deadlines and not procrastinate major projects and assignments. It can be easy to forget about assignments when there is no one to remind you about them. This experience will definitely help you improve your self-discipline and time management if you let them – two valuable skills that will help you a lot in your future career.

Despite all these enticing benefits, many people are still skeptical about online education. One of their biggest concerns is the legitimacy of online programs. To address this matter, it is important to note that you should look for an online school that has earned accreditation to prove that the education they provide meets the accrediting body’s quality standards.

Now, does all this mean that online schools have better benefits than the brick and mortar institutions? Not necessarily. What works for one person might not work for someone else. There are unique personal circumstances that online schooling may not able to cater to. Ultimately, you should choose a school that allows you to take courses in the environment where you learn best.

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